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Professional Development

Professional Development

NSW Real Estate Property Industry Agent License PD

Staying up to date with changes in the property industry is vital. Changes occur quickly and frequently.
This CPD course covers recent changes to be aware of, including: NSW Fair Trading compliance actions and consequences of agent breach, changes to Real Estate Award, case studies related to Safety in the Workplace, Disputes over agency sales fees and commissions , Effective cause of sale, Misrepresentation in sales, Off the plan contract amendments, the latest in Short- term holiday letting regulations, Managing a property through a natural disaster and the new NSW Tenants Union Rent tracker tool.
A Certificate of Registration holder and Licence holder must obtain 12 CPD points in a Certificate/Licence renewal year.

Finance, Accounting and Mortgage Industry PD

In a rapidly changing world knowledge is your competitive advantage. We now offers a range of flexible learning solutions to help you stay ahead. Designed to help you focus on the future, gain perspective, keep pace with global trends, foresee challenges, build prosperity and generate positive change. 

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